by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Mar 28, 2021 | Article, General, Planning, Teambuilding
Business Leadership Teams Successfully Emerge Like those old scary movies…a creature from the black lagoon. Moonlight on the water, ripples, small at first. Then you see a head, then neck, shoulders, a trunk emerges, all covered in black yucky goo, smelling...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Mar 24, 2021 | Book Endorsements
I instantly became interested in reading this book because, after all, it is Tony Soprano! Even though, I confess, I never watched The Sopranos, I was intrigued by what a mob boss would know about management and I wanted to know the comparison between this fictional...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Feb 9, 2021 | Article, General, Planning
HERE WE ARE…RIGHT NOW Today, we are neither here, nor there. I see it, I feel it, taste it, and then not… The opportunity is here, there, and not really. We have a vaccine, and maybe you know someone that got it. Not you, your appointment is...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Dec 22, 2020 | General, Planning
But keep your mask on… Your year-end planning may seem like a totally different process this year – not even accounting for the logistics of having to do it at a distance, behind masks, or via Zoom – but uncertainty does not mitigate the need for solid...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Dec 18, 2020 | General, Planning
2021 is upon us and now is the time to plan. The pandemic is not your future. May this find you prepared and beginning to celebrate the Holidays. A couple of years ago, I developed CMI’s Company Planning Process and CMI’s Individual Planning...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Nov 25, 2020 | Article, General
This is about a cover up—get it — planning with a mask…. had to say that. A chance to be silly – we need that. The challenging times continue with the kids at home, you at home, things shutting down or not, office workers working at the office in shifts,...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Nov 2, 2020 | Book Endorsements
I knew, from the beginning, this is a book about business and I was looking forward to reading it. Like Lecioni’s other books, this is written as a fable so it is a quick, easy, delightful read. It is a story about a Sales Consultant who is trying to sell his...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Sep 29, 2020 | General
Below is a testimonial that one of our partners sent out to his work uniform rental clients, which is a market that we serve. I was humbled that he took the time to write this and wanted to share it with you. During my 40+ years of market research consulting within...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Sep 11, 2020 | General
HR experts weigh in on the need for discipline, skills building, testing, education and more for rising executives… ...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Sep 9, 2020 | Article, General
What follows is my latest thinking on what we are dealing with. Blue sky. … I am standing in the sun’s warmth on a grassy bank with a steep decline overlooking a meandering river. A winter chill is present. I am thinking business is good and 2020 is shaping up to be a...