by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Dec 22, 2020 | General, Planning
But keep your mask on… Your year-end planning may seem like a totally different process this year – not even accounting for the logistics of having to do it at a distance, behind masks, or via Zoom – but uncertainty does not mitigate the need for solid...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Dec 18, 2020 | General, Planning
2021 is upon us and now is the time to plan. The pandemic is not your future. May this find you prepared and beginning to celebrate the Holidays. A couple of years ago, I developed CMI’s Company Planning Process and CMI’s Individual Planning...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Sep 3, 2020 | General, Planning
A client shared these questions with us and I have added to it. They are good questions for your leadership teams to engage in for planning the Fourth Quarter and beyond. Let me know what you think; I look forward to your feedback. Safety/ Hygiene (internal) What we...
by Bruce Hodes and CMI | Oct 11, 2019 | Planning
Our planning session was occurring and there he was. A Hilton employee quietly entered with copies in his hand. He was the red headed front desk guy who told me he would make copies. My plan was during the break to go and pick them up, and then there he was. ...