Schedule Time With Bruce

 Developing Performance Oriented Cultures

Developing a performance oriented culture is possible — it takes courage, determination, and actionable techniques that work.  Develop your company culture in the right direction and you can not only succeed, but truly make a difference in the lives of your employees and your customers.

How do you ensure follow through and implementation of the strategic plan? How do you find time to coach your direct reports? How do you make core values relevant to employees’ daily behavior? How can the annual appraisal process be meaningful and respected?

Developing Performance Oriented Cultures in Tough Economic Times is a powerful professional development experience, introducing tools and techniques for creating outstanding business results. Bruce Hodes, author and CMI’s Head Coach, will guide participants through interactive educational exercises and dialogue based on his book Front Line Heroes: Battling the Business Tsunami While Developing Performance Oriented Cultures.  Participants will learn practical and critical techniques that they can put to use immediately to tap into their company’s true potential.

Take Home Tools for Developing a Performance Oriented Culture

Running a business in this bumpy economic time can be tricky. With a myriad of new tools and techniques, participants will learn practical and critical techniques that they can put to use immediately to tap into their company’s true potential.

Participants will learn

  • How to make mission, values, and BHAGS relevant to daily organizational life
  • How to transform groups into high-performance teams
  • 7 essential rules for effective strategic planning
  • How to eliminate mediocrity from employee performance—for good
CMI Developing Performance Oriented Cultures