Traction is a must read for anyone building a company. Whether you are a start up, a growing $20 million business, or anything in between this book has something for you. As you know, I am not a guy in the diner about growing companies . I have been successful in being a resource to companies so that they successfully grow. Another way of putting this is that I am great compost for growing companies. When I read Traction and I have probably wandered around its pages at least 10 times since I read it six years ago, my reaction is always the same…”oh wow that is a great idea, oh there is a powerful process, and hey I could have written this book”. Only I did not.
Traction is full of great ideas. There is an audit included in the book that I have many clients take. The audit helps pinpoint where as a organization you need to develop yourself. This book is a must read for the leadership team of your organization. After everyone takes the audit, you can then compare scores and get aligned on what to work on. The author presents a system of growing and structuring a company. What is great is that you do not have to adopt the system and you can pick and choose what to utilize.
The book has ideas on how to focus and how to structure meetings. One idea that I have taken from this book is the one-page plan with a focus on quarterly organizational rocks. This book is a classic and the ideas are classic and I heartily encourage you to read it. Please let us know what you think of Traction and which ideas you are adopting. We look forward to hearing from you .