Get a brand new BHAG

BHAG’s – Big Hairy Audacious Goals – are a term you hear frequently in the business world. Some leave the “hairy” off and just refer to BAG’s, but I like leaving the hair in. Maybe it’s a jealousy thing. In any case, a BHAG is a 5 to 10-year...

Creating the Reason for Being

Here are some ways that the leadership group can create a powerful and relevant Reason for Being (aka mission/vision statement).  Some of the following thinking and exercises were inspired by an article called “Building Your Company’s Vision,” by...

IT Firm Testimonial

“We hired Bruce to help us improve how we do business, to facilitate team building, and to help us achieve our goals as we grow. Bruce did an excellent job at helping us make decisions, stay focused and commit to being accountable for our actions. When you are...

Foundation a la Brucie

The foundation is elegantly simple. When constructing a building, what is needed to construct upon to have a strong building? The answer is obvious, you need a strong foundation. What do all religions have? Foundation documents: the Torah, the Bible, the Koran and the...

Paving Company Testimonial

“We have worked with Bruce on Team Building and Strategic Planning for several years. Bruce has a great business knowledge and has challenged us to think differently than we have in the past. He has a great understanding of the challenging dynamics that can exist in a...