Building a G.R.E.A.T. Company | What is G?

Components of Great Companies Now that we have defined a great middle market company, what components make up greatness? They can simply be found in the acronym G.R.E.A.T. G: Generous and Growth. The dictionary defines generous as “liberal in giving or sharing; not...

Building a G.R.E.A.T. Company

    Over the past 30 years of working with CEO’s, business owners, and senior executive teams, I have learned the key components to design and grow great small to mid-sized companies. Follow my posts over the next couple weeks to learn all about how to make...

What’s the Future Worth?

The million-dollar question is this: what, from a business perspective, is being green worth? Will customers be attracted to environmentalism and pay for it? I have watched leadership groups gasp in horror at the thought of being seen as “tree huggers.” As a...

Make Green from Being Green

In honor of earth day on April 22, our next blog series will feature some tips for creating more sustainable business practices. Let’s start this series of posts with a disclaimer: I do not consider myself an expert in sustainability. However, I probably know enough...

Green On!

I strongly encourage your organization to adopt a direction towards sustainability. This is not a political statement but one that reflects the reality of the times. Of course, there needs to be authenticity. Just saying you are sustainable by your attempts to recycle...