He is a wisp of a boy turning into a man…. a reddish barely visible beard on his chin, hair unkempt, a torn gray shirt. He is sunburned, gaunt. Climbing slowly up the rigging he arrives. On top of the crow’s nest he looks out. He sees nothing. Been out at sea since mid-March and nothing. There is an empty sea…grayish-blue with white caps…his eyes squint against the sun’s glare……nothing. Then……is it….is that a dark line on the horizon…OMG, could it be? “Land ho”, he screams! Land finally is in sight. We are opening as a business world….different speeds in different places and with different rules. The direction is the same…. land ho! Our world is again shifting from pandemic lockdown to walking tentatively onto the new land called Opening Up…
What does the new land look like? There is a lot of fog and smoke…hard to see clearly…as we get closer silhouettes appear… I am in conversation with business leaders and CEOs from around the country. I am actively engaged with numerous companies and leadership teams as they chart their course in these uncharted waters. This is what I am hearing and seeing. 1. One of the dramatic and unique aspects regarding organizations and the pandemic is that many of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses that are currently present are not new. The issues that companies are dealing…